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Departamento de Biología

Últimas publicaciones (Last publications)

January 2025

Ángel Rafael Domínguez-Bustos, Sanz-Fernández V, Castro J, Gonçalves JB, Carlos Rodríguez-García, Arana D, Remedios Cabrera-Castro (2024). Sharks unveiled: Comparing impact of management measures on two shark species in different grounds in southern Spain. Ocean and Coastal Management 262: 107557. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2025.107557. Impact factor: 4.8. D1 (Oceanography).
Tamara Díaz-Burgos, Fedriani JM, Escribano-Ávila G, Virgós E (2025). Efectos en cascada en el ecosistema: el caso del lince ibérico. Quercus 467: 16-23.. No indexada.

December 2024

Eguidazu-de la Parte P, Balbi S, …, Gloria Peralta, …, Concepción Rodríguez-Rojo, Pascual M (2024), Eco-geomorphico modelling response of tidal marshes to sea level rise and changes in suspended sediment supply. The Science of Total Environment 958: 178164. DOI: . Impact factor: 8,2. D1 (Environmental Sciences).
da Silva HNP, Dornelles JL, …, Juan Miguel Mancera, Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha, Baldisserotto B (2024). Protium heptaphyllum essential oil from the fruit as a sedative and anesthetic in Rhamdia quelem: influence in cardiac frequency , biochemical, and oxidative parameters. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 50: 2137-2147. DOI: 10.1007/s10695-024-01380-z. Impact factor: 2.5. Q1 (Fisheries).
Márquez-Corro JI, Martín-Bravo S, José Luis Blanco-Pastor, Luceño M, Escudero M (2023). The holocentric chromosome microevolution: From phylogeographic patterns to genomic associations with environmental gradients (2023). Molecular Ecology 23: e17156. DOI: 10.1111/mec.17156. Impact factor: 4.9. Q1 (Ecology).
Cui HY, Raúl Ochoa-Hueso, Sun W, Piñeiro J, Power SA, Wang JT, SinghBK, Delgado-Baquerizo M (2024). Pre-existing global change legacies regulate the responses of multifunctionality to warming. Applied Soil Ecology 204: 105679. DOI: . Impact factor: 4.8. Q1 (Soil Science).
Francisca P Martínez-Antequera, Paula Simó-Mirabet, Verónica de las Heras, Román M, Juan Miguel Mancera, Juan Antonio Martos-Sitcha, Moyano FJ (2024). Grape pomace in diets for European sea bass: influence on oxidative status, intestinal microbiota, and fillet quality. Aquaculture International 32: 7771-7788. DOI: . Impact factor: 2.2. Q2 (Fisheries).
Coronil-Huertas DJ, Carlos Rodríguez-García, Pavón-Quintana S, Vidal-Pérez JM, Jessica Sarmiento-Carvajal, Remedios Cabrera Castro (2024). Optimization of the stowage of fishing discards: Innovation in trawlers in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Peninsula). Regional Studies in Marine Science 76: 1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103593. Impact factor: 2,1. Q2 (Marine & Freshwater Biology). 
Carlos Rodríguez-García, Marina Jiménez-Cobo, Remedios Cabrera Castro (2024). Living among sand and waves: Age and feeding habits of sand sole (Pegusa lascaris, Risso 1810) and brill (Scophthalmus rhombus, Linnaeus 1758) on the beaches of the Gulf of Cadiz (Southwest Iberian Peninsula). Regional Studies in Marine Science 77: 103680. DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103680. Impact factor: 2,1. Q2 (Marine & Freshwater Biology). 

November 2024

Haro S, Bernett A, Sokratis Papaspyrou, Alfonso Corzo, Külh M, Jesus B (2024). Radiative energy budgets of migrational microphytobenthic biofilms.  Marine Biology 171: 204. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-024-04518-y. Impact Factor: 2.1. Q2 (Marine & Freshwater Biology).
Pérez-García P, Gouveia F, Calado G, Noreña C, Juan Lucas Cervera (2024). Acotylea (Platyhelminthes, Polycladida) from the southern and western Iberian Peninsula, with the description of five new species. Zoosystematics and Evolution 100 1487-1513. DOI: 10.3897/zse.100.128211.  Impact factor: 1.6. Q2 (Zoology).
Brander SM, Senathirajah K, …, Carmen Morales-Caselles, …, Martin W. (2024). The time of ambitious action is now: Science-based recommendations for plastic chemicals to inform an effective global plastic treaty. The Science of the Total Environment 949: 174881. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174881. Impact factor: 8,2. D1 (Environmental Sciences).
Díaz-Pérez J, Landeira JM, Heernández-León S, Reyes-Martínez MJ, J Ignacio González-Gordillo (2024). Distribution patterns of micronektonic crustaceans (Decapoda, Euphausiacea, and Lophogastrida) in the tropical and subtropical Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 228: 103331. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2024.103331. Impact factor: 3.8. D1 (Oceanography).
Alfonso Corzo, Haro S, Gómez-Ramírez E, González CJ, Sokratis Papaspyrou, Emilio García-Robledo (2024). Intertidal microphytobenthic primary production and net metabolism of a tropical estuary. Marine Environmental Research 202: 106741. DOI: . Impact factor: 3. Q1 (Marine & Freshwater Biology).
Lilia Serrano-Grijalva, van der Putten WH, Raúl Ochoa-Hueso, Margenot AJ, van Rijseel SQ, Koorneef GJ, Veen GF (2024). Soil extracellular enzyme activity increases during the transition from conventional to organic farming. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 375: 109202. DOI:

October 2024

Mira AF, Hortal J, …, Raúl Ochoa-Hueso, Medina NG (2024). eBryoSoil: a citizen science application to monitor changes insoil ecosystems. Scientific reports 14: 24577. DOI: . Impact factor 3.8. Q1 (Multidisciplinary Sciences).
Gaytán A, Matías L, Godoy O, Pérez-Ramos IM,  Pablo Homet, Moreira X, Gómez-Aparicio L (2024). Climate change and exotic pathogens shift carbon allocation in Mediterranean mixed forests. Journal of Ecology (early view). DOI: . Impact factor: 5.4. D1 (Ecology).
Escobedo VM, Acuña-Rodríguez IS, …, Susana Gómez-González, …, Montenegro MA (2024). Native woody species depend on the soil microbiome to establish on burned soils, while non-native do not. Journal of Applied Ecology (early view). DOI:
Claudio A Bracho, Cuadrado M, Sánchez I, Onrubia A, Juan Pedro González Varo (2024). Plant traits determine seed retention times in frugivorous birds: Implications for long-distance seed dispersal.  Functional Ecology 38: 2247-2260. DOI: . Impact factor: 4.6. Q1 (Ecology).
Sara Soria, Aguilar V, Sokratis Papaspyrou, Emilio García-Robledo, Seguro I, Morales-Ramírez A, Alfonso Corzo (2024). Coupling between microbial assemblages and environmental drivers along a tropical estuarine gradient. The Science of Total Environment 995: 177122.  DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177122. Impact factor: 8,2. D1 (Environmental Sciences).
Carlos Rodríguez-García, Jesica Sarmiento, Gozçalves JB, Remedios Cabrera-Castro (2024). Monetary value of surf zone fishery resources on the Southwest Iberian Peninsula. Fisheries Management and Ecology e12775 (early view). DOI: 10.1111/fme.12755. Impact factor: 2. Q2 (Fisheries).
León-Cobo MJ, Enrique A, Ana Bartual, Prieto L (2024). Impact of warming and acidification of the Mediterranean Sea on statolith formation of the scyphozoan jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo Macri (1778). Marine Environmental Research: 202: 106788. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2024.106788. Impact factor: 3. Q1 (Marine & Freshwater Biology).
Rodríguez-Caro RC, Morales Z, …, Mónica Expósito, …, Capdevila P (2024). The importance of locally sourced sata in identifying population trends: Insights from Iberian vertebrates. Biological Conservation  298: 110755. DOI: . Impact factor: 4.9. D1 (Biodiversity Conservation).
Guise I, Silva B, Mestre F, Muñoz-Rojas J, Duarte MF, José Manuel Herrera (2024). Climate change is expected to severely impact Protected Designation of Origin olive growing regions over the Iberian Peninsula. Agricultural Systems 220: 104108. DOI: . Impact factor: 6.1. D1 (Agriculture, disciplinary).
Irene Repeto, Susana Gómez González, García-Cervigón AI, Navarro G, Fernando Ojeda (2024). Pine afforestation of treelessMediterranean heathlands reduces productivity of neighbouring cork oak woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 569: 122155. DOI: . Impact factor: 3.7. D1 (Forestry).
Wang B, José A Paullada, Alba Verges, José A Muñoz Cueto (2024). Does the activation of the sea bass GnIH receptor signaling? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology  A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 296: 111693. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2024.111693. Impact factor: 2.1 Q1 (Zoology).
Jarma D, Sacristán O, …, Francisco Hortas, Sámchez MI (2024). Variability of faecal microbiotaand antibiotic resistance genes in flocks of migratory gulls and comparison with the sorrounding environment. Environmental Pollution 359: 124563. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124563. Impact factor: 7.6. Q1 (Environmental Sciences).

September 2024

Andrea Guirado, Beatriz Rumeu, Claudio A Bracho, Juan P González-Varo (2024). Diversity, frequency of visits and behaviour of avifauna at artificial bird baths in the Puerto Real Campus (Bay of Cádiz). Revista de la Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural 18: 27-38. Link. Impact factor: 0.1. Q4 (Environmental Sciences).
Ángel R Domínguez-Bustos, Remedios Cabrera-Castro, Ramos ML, Abaunza P, Báez JC (2024). Using Benford’s law to detect possible biases in reported catches of tropical tuna from the Indian Ocean. Fisheries Management and Ecology e12749. DOI: 10.1111/fme.12749. Impact factor: 2. Q2 (Fisheries).
García-Márquez J, Díaz AG, Luis Molina Roque, …, Verónica de las Heras, Paula Simó-Mirabet, …, Juan Antonio Martos, …, Balebona MC (2024). Microalgal and cyanobacterial biomasses modified the activity of extracellular products from Bacillus pumilus: An in vitro and in vivo assessment. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins (early access). DOI: . Impact factor: 4.4. Q1 (Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology).
Nielsen EE, Birnie-Gauvin K, …, Antonio Medina, …, José Luis Varela, Aarestrup K (2024). Genetic sex and origin identification suggests differential migration of male and female of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in the Northeast Atlantic. Evolutionary Applications 17: e70009. DOI:10.1111/eva.70009. Impact factor: 3.5 (Evolutionary Biology).
Navarro-Guillén C, Ismael Jerez, Lopes A, Juan Miguel Mancera, Engrola S (2024). Effects of early-life amino acids supplementation on fish responses to a thermal challenge. Journal of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systems and Environmental Physiology (early access). DOI: . Impact factor: 1.7. Q2 (Zoology).
Lucía Acevedo, Beatriz Rumeu, Claudio Bracho, Juan Pedro González Varo (2024). EstablishMed, a dataset of transition probabilities for woody plant establishment in the Mediterranean Region. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33: e13879. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13879. Impact factor: 6.3. D1 (Ecology).
Ana Belén Tinoco, Kirupakaran V, Capatina D, Egertová M, Elphick MR (2024). Discovery of a neuropeptide that acts as an autotomy-promoting factor. Current Biology 34: 4325-4331.e3. DOI: . Impact factor: 8.1. D1 (Biology).
Yada Trapletti, Mónica Expósito, López-Martínez S, Torres M, Marga López Rivas (2024). Body condition of stranded razorbills and atlantic puffins in the Western Mediterranean. Ecology and Evolution14: e70161. DOI: . Impact factor: 2.3. Q2 (Ecology).
José Lucas Pérez Lloréns, Mouritsen OG (2024). Sea cucumber: a scavenger overexploited , traded and turned into food (even a gastronomic delicacy).  International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 37: 100996 . DOI: . Impact factor: 3.2. Q2 (Food Science & Technology).
Gento-Arazola P, Romero-Martínez L, …, José Ángel Gálvez, …, Nobre C (2024). Effectiveness of a UV treatment using light emitting diodes (LED) for the inactivation of phytoplanktonic organisms present in two reservoirs of Cadiz (Spain).
Andrés de la Cruz, Numa C (2024). Habitat availability decline for waterbirds in a sensitive wetland: Climate change impact on the Ebro Delta. Ecological Modeling 498: 110896. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110896. Impact factor: 2.6. Q2 (Ecology).
Estévez RM, Palacios M, Juan Lucas Cervera, González-Duarte M (2024). Cold-water coral Dendrophyllia ramea as a habitat-forming species in shallow coastal waters: its role in a vulnerable ecosystem and anthropogenic impacts. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 104: e72. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315424000626. Impact factor: 1.1. Q3 (Marine & Freshwater Biology).
Gallitelli L, Girard P, …, Andrés Cózar, Carmen Morales-Caselles, Daniel González-Fernández, …, Scalici M (2024). Monitoring macroplastics in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: Expert survey reveals visual and drone-based census as most effective techniques. The Science of the Total Environment 176528. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176528. Impact factor: 8,2. D1 (Environmental Sciences).
Macías M, Cara CL, Méndez L, Bermejo R, Raggi G, Ramos B, Moreu I, Ignacio Hernández, Malta E-J, Gómez-Pinchetti JL, Iglesias P, Agraso MM (2024). Algas de las costas espeñolas. Potenciales usos y aplicaciones. Lsgráfico. ISBN: 978-84-09-61238-3, 231 pp.
Fricke A, Capuzzo E, Bermejo R, HofmannLC, Ignacio Hernández, Pereira R, Van den Burg SWK, Pereira T, Buschmann AH, Cottier-Cook EJ (2024). Ecosystem services provided by seaweed cultivation: state of the art, knowledge gaps, constraints and future needs for achieving maximum potential in Europe. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2024.2399355. Impact factor: 6.3. D1 (Fisheries). 
Iván F Rodil, Valle Pérez, Bernal-Ibáñez A, Pardiello M,  Soccio F, Ignacio Gestoso (2024). High contribution of an invasive macroalgae species to beach wrack CO2 emissions. Journal of Environmental Management 367: 122021. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122021. Impact factor: 8. D1 (Environmental Sciences).
Andrea Guirado-Moya, Beatriz Rumeu, Claudio A Bracho-Estévanez, Juan Pedro González Varo (2024). Diversidad, frecuenta de visitas y comportamiento de la avifauna en bebederos artificiales del campus de Puerto Real (bahía de Cádiz). Revista de la Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural 18: 27-38. https://sociedadgaditanahistorianatural.com/sghn/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Bebederos-artificiales-del-Campus-de-Puerto-Real-vol-18.3.pdf. Q4 (Environmental Sciences).
Alba Verges, José A Muñoz Cueto, Durán-Sáez J, Pendón C, Martín Robles A (2024). A functional light-entrainable molecular clock is revealed in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) from early developmental stages using an embryonic stem cell line. Aquaculture 590:  741089. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2024.741089. Impact factor: 3.9. D1 (Marine & Freshwater Biology).
Ortega A, Reglero P, de la Gandara F, Gabriel Mourente, Blanco E (2024). Effects of temperature on embryonic development of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus, L 1758) and Atlantic bonito (Sarda sarda, Bloch 1793). Fisheries Research 277: 107066. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107066. Impact factor: 2.2. Q2 (Fisheries).
Rocío Jiménez-Ramos, Fernando G Brun, Juan José Vergara, Ignacio Hernández, Lucas Pérez-Lloréns, L Gonzalo Egea (2024). Nutrient enrichment and hervibory alter carbon balance in temperate seagrass communities. Marine Pollution Bulletin 206: 116784. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116784. Impact factor: 5.3. D1 (Marine & Freshwater Biology).

August 2024

Raúl Ochoa-Hueso, Piñeiro J, Morán LG, Lilia Serrano-Grijalva, Power SA (2024). Plant multi-element coupling as an indicator of nutritional mismatches under global change. Ecosystems 27 673-689. DOI: . Impact factor: 3.4. Q2 (Ecology).
Sánchez-García R, Green AJ, Tomasson L, Francisco Hortas, Ortiz MA (2024).Invasive buttonweed Cotula coronopifolia (Asteraceae) is halotolerant and has high potential dispersal by endozoochory. Plant-Basel 13: 2219. DOI: . Impact factor: 4. Q1 (Plant Sciences).
Lilia Serrano-Grijalva, Raul Ochoa-Hueso, Veen GF, Irene Repeto, Van Rijseel SQ, Koorneef GJ, van der Putten WH (2024). Normalized difference vegetation index analysis reveals increase of biomass production and stability during the conversion from conventional to organic farming. Global Change Biology 30: e17461. DOI: . Impact factor: 10.8. D1 (Ecology).
Morejón-Arroyo RD, Lüskow F, Pakhomov EA, Leandro Rodríguez-Viera (2024). Diversity of pelagic tunicates (Appendicularia and Thaliacea) from Cuba: A review. Marine Biodiversity 54: 59. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-024-01451-7. Impact factor: 1.5. Q3 (Biodiversity Concervation).
Gonçalves-Neto  JB, Jairo Castro-Gutiérrez, Ángel R Domíngez-Bustos, Remedios Cabrera-Castro, Chavret P, Faria VV (2024). Using social media image to identify threatened elasmobranch species caught by a small-scale fishery in a data-poor area. Ocean and Coastal Management 254: 107202. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107202. Impact factor: 4,8. D1 (Oceanography).
Rangel-Buitrago N, Daniel González-Fernández, Defeo O, Neal W, Galgani F (2024). Rethinking plastic entrapment: Misconceptions and implications for ecosystem services in coastal habitats. Marine Pollution Bulletin 205: 116665. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116665. Impact factor: 5.3. D1 (Marine  & Freshwater Biology).
Sara Soria, Alfonso Corzo, Jiménez-Árias JL, Gonzélez JM, Sokratis Papaspyrou (2024). Niche selection in bacterioplankton: A study of taxonomic composition and single-cell characteristics in an acid reservoir. Environmental Microbiology Reports 16: e13255. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.13255. Impact factor: 3.6. Q2 (Environmental Sciences). 
Andrea Celeste Curcio, Barbero L, Gloria Peralta (2024). Enhancing salt marshes monitoring: Estimating biomass with drone-derived habitat-specific models. Remote Sensing Applications-Society and Environment 35: 101216. DOI: 10.1016/j.rsase.2024.101216. Impact factor: 3,8. Q2 (Environmental Sciences).